A girl's first period is such a rite of passage.

The entry:
This is a very important date, for today I officially became a young woman. Yes, that's right, I finally had my period! I didn't notice anything earlier on today, but after Dad and I had taken a nap, I needed to go to the bathroom. That's when I discovered it! I told Laura I thought I...
I have this aunt that really stepped in to take care of my sister and me when Mom died. She sent me this letter as soon as she got the news.

The highlights:
Hi Jess, so... Aunt Flow came to visit! Wow, my little girl has turned into a beautiful young woman *sniff.* Have you told your friends? Have most of them started theirs already? Did Laura help you put your first pad on so the sticky side was facing your underwear and no the other way around (which you could imagine might be very uncomfortable, if not painful, especially to remove.) When I was little and I found pads in my mom's drawer, I thought they were to put under your arms to absorb sweat. Later I learned the truth, and although I was shocked, it did make more sense. ...
Do's and Don'ts For Cramps
DO lay on the floor with legs up against a wall, take a hot bath, take Midol, use a heating pad (don't burn yourself!), take iron pills.
DON'T stop in the middle of the hall in school and grab the wall and start to scream.
DON'T point to the hurting area when telling friends you have cramps.
Super useful advice. :) There's something very vulnerable about the tender age that most girls are when they start their periods. You're already SO self-conscious, and a monthly visit from Aunt Flow can be almost traumatizing. Thank goodness I had another aunt, a cool one, who was so supportive. She really helped me through the transition.
I would absolutely LOVE to hear your first period stories!

Drop your thoughts and memories below in the comment section. :) Write back soon! -Jess