When I got home from my first real date, I threw the flowers the boy had given me in the garbage. laid my head on my dad's knee, and cried.

I've been on four dates so far. Daddy was my first date. Then, the date from h-e-double hockey sticks with "Joe."
"Joe" was barely an acquaintance. He drove a dirty, beat-up car, and I was uncomfortable the moment I slid into the passenger seat. Sometimes you get a feeling, and my skin was crawling right away. He turned up some heavy metal music super loud and floored it out of my driveway. I remember asking him politely to not drive so recklessly, and for some bizarre reason he seemed to find my fear cute and drove faster, grinning. My internal warning signals were humming now.
He and a few other couples had set up a kind of candlelight dinner situation in the basement of a friend's house. After dinner, we all squeezed onto this hairy couch and watched one of those raunchy comedies that stupid guys love so much, and Joe thought he would be a stud and put his sweaty arm around my shoulders, caressing me the entire show. Fun. After that torture, the guys had arranged for some romantic dancing. UGH! My elbows were sore by the end from digging into his chest the whole time, trying to push him off of me.
I don't remember the drive home at all except developing a game-plan in my head on how I was going to kill him if he tried to touch me again, and how much pleasure I was going to take in doing it.
So that was my first date experience. It's too bad, because I had really been super excited about dating up until then.

Sweet Barbie. I treasure this letter from her, even though her wishes for me did not come true. It warms my heart that she was rooting for me.
Now, I don't want to scare off any pre-daters here. As I've mentioned, I grew up in an area that was just bursting with cute, available guys my age. Therefore, I have been blessed with many, many opportunities to date. During all those dates, only two of the guys acted scary like this, Joe, and one other that my church youth group leader set me up with!! I'll tell all about that date later. On the whole, I almost always felt completely safe.
My dad wasn't too thrilled with how things turned out, and neither was I. A few of my friends got wind of my hideous first date experience and arranged for me to be set up with the most delicious, gentlemanly boy they knew, Dave. That date restored my faith in humanity- for a while. :)
What was your first date like? Scary? Awesome? Average? Either way, we'd love to hear about it in the comments! WBS- Jess