I was so relieved when I got asked to my first formal dance. I remember that I had to go that year because I was covering the dance in the yearbook. My date took me to a super fancy restaurant, and that's the first time I tasted french onion soup. I didn't fall in love with the boy (a total sweetheart by the way), but I did fall in love with the soup.

My grandma sewed me a gorgeous velvet dress to wear to the Christmas dance that same year. It turned out to be an extra special night, because my date and I both were made royalty.

Junior Prom was a huge stinking deal. Of all the dances I went to, this one had that fairytale quality you see in the movies.

I went to a couple of dances with this next guy. We went to Junior Prom (again) even though we were seniors, and then another dance at a different school.

Looking back on my photos from Senior Prom, I'd say I'd had it with high school by that point. That little cocktail dress definitely speaks of a "whatevs- I'm out" attitude. I for sure snagged the best date, though. He and I must have gone to at least three or four dances together.

Do people still go on day-dates before the dance? What was the purpose of those? I kind of hated them.

I was SO lucky to have an incredible group of friends to go to dances with. We shared everything, including our gowns and our guys. It was great.

The best part of these dates was always the relaxed moments in between the dancing. That's where the real memories were made.

Have any memorable dance stories to share? Drop them in the comments! WBS- Jess